MB ADAPTORS is excited to announce our launch of an online crowdfunding campaign to set in motion a major educational and artistic project in Barcelona, Spain. We will be offering intensive training and engaging in creative research with a community of professional Catalan artists. We have built tremendous interest within the arts community and have many of the pieces in place but need your help to bring this amazing opportunity to fruition.
We are calling the creative research HEADSHOT!, which explores our human need to be wanted and chosen, as seen from the perspective of several actors who find themselves in a mysterious audition room with no clear direction. Results of this collaborative research will be presented in a theatrical showing in April, 2015. The educational component consists of launching a Study Abroad Program as well as offering intensive training to artists in Barcelona. These are all steps in establishing a permanent training center and performance wing in Barcelona.
We have been building this relationship for many years, and you are key in helping us reach these goals. We are launching this Indiegogo campaign for $5,000 as part of our fundraising efforts to bring company members to Barcelona for 5 weeks and make this exciting venture possible. In crowdfunding, early momentum is crucial for bringing in new donors and meeting our goals by the end of the campaign. So, please donate early and become a part of our theatrical adventure!
Follow the Margolis Method Facebook Page and join the Facebook Event for updates!